RACK’d 2019 – Day 14
Day 14 – Donations To Safe Harbour
Day 14 – Donations To Safe Harbour
Day 13 – Gift Card Giveaway
Day 12 – Mustard Seed
Day 11 – CACAC Gift Wrapping
We hope you stopped by Bower Place today to get your gifts wrapped, at the It’s A Wrapy All Booth ?. We had lots of fun wrapping or maybe crafting gifts today. The donations given for your wrapped gifts go to Central Alberta Child Advocacy Centre. We hope you stop by to donate and maybe we will see you there.
#TGIM #itsawrapyall #randomactsofchristmaskindness #tptm #theplacetomortgage #doingmortgagesdifferently #onemortgageatatime #Rack’d
@Centralabcac @shopbowerplace
Day 10 – Coats For Kids
Thank you to everyone who brought in children’s coats for, coats for kids. We hope these donations will help keep a few more children warm this winter season.
Helping A Family In Need
A week and a half ago a local family had their vehicle stolen from in front of their house. To make matters worse their daughter’s wheelchair was in the back of the vehicle along with their son’s whole hockey bag. Fortunately, the vehicle was found a week later with the wheelchair still in it. Our generous community came together to help replace the hockey equipment. The Place To Mortgage team all donated money towards a new hockey stick, tape, wax, water bottle and a gift card. It really was a wonderful moment when the family come into the office and we were able to put a huge smile on the young boy’s face and tears in mom’s eyes
Day 9 – Red Deer Hospice
Danelle and Corri delivered a little something special to the Red Deer Hospice Society.
Day 8 – Snow Angeles
As the snow fell over the last few days, we wanted to get out into our community to help our neighbours and seniors clear snow.
Day 7 – The Holiday Train
We enjoy the Christmas Train every year and this year was no exception. We handed out Candy Canes to help make everyone’s day a little sweeter.
Day 6 – Operation Christmas Child
We collected shoebox items for Operation Christmas Child, thanks to Corri for heading this RACK’D Day.
Choosing between a variable and a fixed mortgage is one of the most important financial decisions Canadian borrowers face. As we move through 2025, the economic landscape is shifting due to interest rate trends, inflation concerns, and potential U.S. tariffs that could impact the Canadian economy. Let’s break down the pros and cons of each […]
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