As a homeowner in Canada, you may be familiar with the process of renewing your mortgage. Mortgage renewals occur when your current mortgage term ends, and you have the option to renew your mortgage with your current lender or switch to a new lender. Renewing your mortgage is an important financial decision that can have a significant impact on your long-term financial goals.  

What are Mortgage Renewals and Why are They Important? 

Mortgage renewals occur when your current mortgage term ends, and you have the option to renew your mortgage with your current lender or switch to a new lender. Mortgage renewals are important because they allow you to renegotiate the terms of your mortgage, including the interest rate, payment schedule, and length of the mortgage term. This can have a significant impact on your monthly mortgage payments and your long-term financial goals. 

Overview of the Mortgage Renewal Process 

The mortgage renewal process typically begins four months before your current mortgage term ends. Your current lender will send you a renewal notice outlining the terms of your new mortgage agreement. You have the option to accept the renewal offer or negotiate the terms with your lender or a mortgage broker. 

A mortgage broker will help you find the best mortgage product for your specific financial situation. They will also negotiate with lenders on your behalf to secure the best interest rates and terms available. Once you have agreed on the terms of the new mortgage agreement, you will sign the contract and begin making payments under the new terms. 

Mortgage Renewal Options in Canada 

When renewing your mortgage, there are several options available, including fixed or variable rates. Fixed rates provide a set interest rate for the duration of the mortgage term, while variable rates fluctuate based on market conditions. Here are some pros and cons of each option: 

Fixed Rates 


  • Predictable monthly payments 
  • Protection against rising interest rates 
  • Easier to budget for long-term financial goals 


  • Typically higher interest rates than variable rates 
  • Limited flexibility to take advantage of lower rates 

Variable Rates 


  • Lower interest rates than fixed rates 
  • Potential to save money over the life of the mortgage 
  • More flexibility to take advantage of lower rates 


  • Monthly payments can fluctuate based on market conditions 
  • Risk of higher payments if interest rates rise 

When choosing between fixed or variable rates, it’s important to consider your long-term financial goals and risk tolerance. A mortgage broker can help you evaluate your options and choose the best mortgage product for your specific needs. 

Negotiating the Best Mortgage Renewal Rates 

Your broker has access to multiple lenders and will shop around to find the best mortgage products with the lowest rates available.  

Potential Consequences of Not Renewing Your Mortgage or Renewing with a Different Lender 

Not renewing your mortgage or renewing with a different lender can have potential consequences, including: 

  • Penalties for breaking your mortgage agreement 
  • Higher interest rates and monthly payments 
  • Limited options for refinancing or accessing home equity 

It’s important to carefully consider your options and consult with a mortgage broker before making any decisions about renewing your mortgage. 

Common Questions and Concerns 

Here are some common questions and concerns that homeowners may have about mortgage renewals: 

How do I calculate my mortgage payments? 

Your mortgage payments are based on the interest rate, mortgage amount, and length of the mortgage term. You can use an online mortgage calculator to estimate your monthly payments. 

What are the penalties for breaking a mortgage agreement? 

Penalties for breaking a mortgage agreement can vary depending on the lender and the terms of the mortgage agreement. It’s important to review your mortgage agreement carefully and consult with a mortgage broker before making any decisions. 

Can I renew my mortgage early? 

Yes, you can renew your mortgage early. However, there may be penalties for breaking your mortgage agreement. It’s important to review your mortgage agreement carefully and consult with a mortgage broker before making any decisions. 

Renewing your mortgage is an important financial decision that can have a significant impact on your long-term financial goals. By working with a mortgage broker, you can find the best mortgage product for your specific needs and negotiate the best rates and terms available. It’s important to carefully consider your options and consult with a mortgage broker before making any decisions about renewing your mortgage.