2019 RACK’d Campaigns
Day 1 ~ Brunch at The Ronald McDonald House.
Happy December 1st!!!!
Today marks the start of our FIFTH annual RACK’d campaign. 5 years ago #theplacetomortgage family started our 24 days of random acts of Christmas kindness.
We look forward to this every year so be prepared to have your news feed filled with lots of Christmas Kindness posts. We have some amazing things up our sleeve for this holiday season and we cannot wait to spread the kindness. It’s the season of giving and we challenge you to do the same. It doesn’t have to be anything big, just whatever you can do to put a smile on someone’s face.
Today we kicked off the campaign by preparing and serving brunch at the @ronald_mcdonald_house.
We are always looking for donations of any kind. Jackets, clothes, toys, business wear for women, toiletries, items to keep the less fortunate warm, food bank items and anything else you can think of we will donate. Merry Christmas!!
#rack #randomactsofchristmaskindness #doingmortgagesdifferently #makingadifferenceinourcommunity
Day 2 ~ A Grinch Tree Fundraiser In Support Of The Spruce View Ag Society.
Kate hosted a Grinch Tree fundraiser with Petal and Blum Creative in support of the Spruce View Ag Society. The Ag Society manages the Spruce View arena which is used for hockey, figure skating, public skating and equestrian programs such as gymkhana and riding events.
35 people came out for this event!!
They Raised $800!!!!
Day 3 – Dress For Success
Dress For Success, thank you to everyone who contributed to our dress for success clothing roundup. We truly hope these items will make a difference to many. A special shoutout to Dodi Kozy with Home Equity Bank for bringing by clothing and Alyss Gehl Estate for helping along-side Kate.
Day 4 – Jacket Racket
Jacket Racket and Last minute Donations to The Community Links Toy Library.
Thanks to Erin for collecting up all the jackets for our day 4 RACK’D campaign.#RandomActsOfChristmasKindness #theplacetomortgage#doingmortgagesdifferently
Day 5 – Gift Cards To The Calgary Drop-In Centre & Grinch Tree Fundraiser For The Alberta Children’s Hospital.
Today is one of our favourite RACK’D days, we love having the opportunity to hand out gift cards at The Calgary Drop-In Centre. The day got even sweeter when at a conference in Edmonton that Sarah was attending. She was given a handful of gift cards to hand out at today’s random acts of kindness location. This wonderful human has been following along with our RACK’D campaign and wanted to contribute. We are so grateful that what we are doing here at The Place To Mortgage is spreading. Our random acts of kindness bring so much joy to us, we hope others are feeling the same joy.
Shannon sponsored a “Build Your Own Grinch Tree” fundraiser for The Alberta Children’s hospital, and together they raised $235!! Thank you to those who attended, and those who bought a tree and for all the cash donations.
Day 6 – Operation Christmas Child
We collected shoebox items for Operation Christmas Child, thanks to Corri for heading this RACK’D Day.
Day 7 – The Holiday Train
We enjoy the Christmas Train every year and this year was no exception. We handed out Candy Canes to help make everyone’s day a little sweeter.
Day 8 – Snow Angeles
As the snow fell over the last few days, we wanted to get out into our community to help our neighbours and seniors clear snow.
Day 9 – Red Deer Hospice
Danelle and Corri delivered a little something special to the Red Deer Hospice Society.
Helping A Family In Need
A week and a half ago a local family had their vehicle stolen from in front of their house. To make matters worse their daughter’s wheelchair was in the back of the vehicle along with their son’s whole hockey bag. Fortunately, the vehicle was found a week later with the wheelchair still in it. Our generous community came together to help replace the hockey equipment. The Place To Mortgage team all donated money towards a new hockey stick, tape, wax, water bottle and a gift card. It really was a wonderful moment when the family come into the office and we were able to put a huge smile on the young boy’s face and tears in mom’s eyes
Day 10 – Coats For Kids
Thank you to everyone who brought in children’s coats for, coats for kids. We hope these donations will help keep a few more children warm this winter season.
Day 11 – CACAC Gift Wrapping
We hope you stopped by Bower Place today to get your gifts wrapped, at the It’s A Wrapy All Booth ?. We had lots of fun wrapping or maybe crafting gifts today. The donations given for your wrapped gifts go to Central Alberta Child Advocacy Centre. We hope you stop by to donate and maybe we will see you there.
#TGIM #itsawrapyall #randomactsofchristmaskindness #tptm #theplacetomortgage #doingmortgagesdifferently #onemortgageatatime #Rack’d
@Centralabcac @shopbowerplace
Day 12 – Mustard Seed
We volunteered at The Mustard Seed on Wednesday where we help prepare supper. We loved learning about how The Mustard Seed is helping supply warm meals, a warm bed, medical care, supplies, support and that someone cares. Thank you to Scott for all of your information and thanks to Amanda S for setting up our time there.#rack’d #theplacetomortgage #randomactsofchristmaskindness #doingmortgagesdifferently #onemortgageatatime #tptm #MustardSeedRedDeer
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- Toll Free 1-888-474-8123
Office 403-865-8123
Fax 1-403-398-0231
[email protected]
- Calgary*
Suite 260 – 340 12 Ave. SW
Calgary AB, T2R 1L5
*By appointment only - Innisfail
4908 51 Ave.
Innisfail AB, T4G 1M1
* - Red Deer
#105 – 6740 Johnstone Dr.
Red Deer AB, T4P 3Y2
British Columbia
- Port Moody*
Unit 310 – 130 Brew St.
Port Moody BC, V3H 0E3
Office 604-409-4093
*By appointment only
Please complete the form below and an associate will call you to complete an application.